Tips to traveling with and using your main RV patio awning.
Either being a newbie or a seasoned RVer, being reminded of some simple tips can go a long way to giving your awning and its hardware a longer life, and save you aggravation while on the road! Here are a few tips when traveling with and using your main RV patio awning.

#1. Inspect your awning prior to a trip or when you plan to start using your coach or trailer for the season. I give myself 2 to 3 weeks, in case a replacement or repair is needed.
#2. Use a awning secure strap when traveling. I use a couple Velcro straps on both my vertical support legs just for that added piece of mind.

#3. Wash your awning a couple times a year. I use the same bush I use to wash my coach and regular automotive soap and usually do it when I am washing the entire coach.
#4. Never leave your awning deployed and unattended! This is a personal rule of mine. Working in the industry I have heard way too many horror stories about walking away from an awning. So, if I am going for a walk I am hitting the switch and rolling it in.

#5. Stay up on the mechanics of the awning. I grease up all moving parts at least twice a year. Especially if I am leaving the desert southwest. Dust is like little rocks of gears and gas struts.
#6. Don’t roll up a wet awning. Even if I do, I will get to my next destination and roll it back out to dry. Mold and mildew can grow and I would rather not smell mildew and have to wash my awning more than necessary.
#7. Be sure to adjust your awning for weather. I lower mine on one side to make sure water rolls off. Also, if it’s a windy area. I will put on a pair of de flappers to keep the flapping to a minimum.
We hope this helps…It’s busy out there and the last thing you need is awning repairs while on the road.
Happy RVing