5 easy ways to save money on the road


Nothing is cheap these days and no one knows when these high prices might end! Here are some simple and maybe obvious ways to save your dimes and pennies to extend your dollar and extend your travel and adventures.

1. Find a cool spot and stay awhile - Gas prices are high and RV travel is expensive as it is. Find a location you like or have been wanting to visit and stay awhile! The best way to get to know a community is to spend some quality time there.


2. Use your clubs and other discounts - If you are like me, I forget the clubs and discount programs I’m apart of; Harvest Host, Good Sam ect. Revisit your clubs and see what discounts they might offer. If you are a senior take advantage of your Interagency Senior Pass and get half off on National Forest Campgrounds.


3. Do some boondocking. -Whats great about boondocking? Its free!! Use apps like Campendium and find a nice free location to call home for a while.


4. Eat in - Find some easy one pot recipes for easy cooking at home. It's fun to dine out, but adds up over time. Here is one to get you started: https://gypsyplate.com/the-best-one-pot-meals/


5. Do it Yourself  - Let YouTube be your friend, take on a couple projects you might just have a professional do. You don’t have to go crazy but you can save alot by installing your new RV awning for example! Click HERE to view our YouTube page.


Good luck and happy RVing!!

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